How to find a purchase order financing provider

It’s not an easy task to find an appropriate Purchaser order financing provider if you are looking for it for the first time. It is due to the fact that very few institutions specialise in this service and advertise PO financing as one of their main services. While some banks and non-banks lenders may offer […]

Securing supplier payments: Payment guarantee or performance guarantee?

Negotiating supplier payments can become your biggest hurdle when sourcing goods from foreign suppliers. Suppliers need the confidence that you’ll make payment or have the financial backing to complete. You want guarantees to ensure that your supplier performs before releasing funds. Dealing with new suppliers can become your largest risk impacting your operation right when […]

What is Structured Trade Finance and how to identify a client?

Structured trade finance is used primarily in the commodity and inventory sector by traders, producers, and processors. Structured trade products are mainly warehouse financing, working capital financing, and pre-export/import financing. Some lenders extend lending and finance for the conversion of raw materials into products in addition to payment guarantees to suppliers. Historically, $8 trillion worth […]